The Old Testament God Still Provides


Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - Bible Fellowships For All Ages | 11:00 a.m. - The Worship Gathering

Feb. 02, 2025

In a world dominated by entitlement, understanding God's daily provision becomes crucial for spiritual growth and perspective transformation. His provision extends beyond dramatic miracles to encompass the simple yet vital aspects of daily life that we frequently take for granted. The biblical account of manna illustrates how God continues to provide even when His people forget or complain, demonstrating His unwavering faithfulness.God's care extends universally, making the sun rise on both the evil and good, sending rain on the just and unjust alike. This reveals His consistent character and unconditional provision. By developing gratitude, we can transform our perspective from one of complaint to appreciation, recognizing that nothing simply happens by chance. When we acknowledge God's hand in our daily provisions, from our breath to our sustenance, we not only deepen our faith but also influence others to trust in His faithfulness. #GodsProvision #DailyGrace #FaithfulGod #GratitudeInFaith #SpiritualGrowth #ProvisionNotEntitlement #GodProvides #MannaLessons #UnwaveringFaithfulness #TrustInGod #ThankfulnessOverComplaint #DivineProvision #PerspectiveTransformation #FaithInAction #GodsHandEverywhere