Dec. 04, 2024
As we prepare for Christmas, it's important to reflect on what God truly desires from us. In Micah 6:6-8, the prophet Micah, who lived around 700 years before Christ, provides a profound answer. During a time of social injustice and religious corruption, Micah conveyed God's true desires: to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him. Justice involves treating others fairly and caring for the less fortunate. Mercy means extending loyal love even to those who may not reciprocate. Humility is about recognizing our smallness in the light of God's greatness. This Christmas, let's focus on these virtues to truly honor God. #Christmas #Micah 6:6-8 #justice #mercy #humility #God'sdesires #prophetMicah #socialinjustice #religiouscorruption #spiritualreflection.