We’re Unaffiliated: We have no outside control or reporting requirements. An unaffiliated Baptist church selects its own pastor, approves its own budget, and operates its own missions program. Biblically, a New Testament local church is a Bible-based, spirit-guided, pastor-led democracy.
We’re Baptist: The title “Baptist” wasn’t something that was chosen, it was given to all who believed in baptism by immersion following salvation. We understand the trend to drop labels but realize that labels at time can be helpful. The title “Baptist” helps identify faith and practice. We wear that title with honor knowing many suffered greatly for believing that someone should be baptized after salvation. An unaffiliated Baptist Church baptizes new believers after a profession of faith.
We’re Interdependent: Unaffiliated Baptists host pastor’s fellowships, camp meetings, conferences, and camps connecting like-minded ministries. Since we have no denominational structure, fellowship is more authentic and assessable. It’s not uncommon to find other pastors attending a revival meeting or preaching special services or youth meetings. Good fellowship between other like-minded Baptist churches and pastors can be found in just about every community. There are no demands, but rather voluntary involvement.